Our firm has over twenty years of experience in a wide range of family law assignments. We have assisted our clients in dozens of cases concerning child custody, residence, access and maintenance, as well as in resolving financial issues in divorce or legal separation, both by contract and, where necessary, by acting as our clients’ counsel in court.
Our strong expertise also extends to inheritance law, and we have a keen eye for issues relating to inheritance planning. We provide our clients with practical and concrete information on issues such as
In inheritance planning, we always emphasise the importance of careful planning, starting well in advance, to achieve the desired outcome.
In the event of a dispute, we assist our clients in various proceedings and act as estate administrators and estate distributors appointed by the district court with the idea that the knots are made to be untied.
We believe it is important to be easily accessible to our customers. It is our policy to keep our clients regularly informed about the different stages of the assignment. Assignments are always handled in the best interests of our clients, with one lawyer in charge.
We offer client-oriented and personalised services based on a wide range of expertise in different areas of family law. Whether your matter is family law or inheritance law, we always handle it efficiently, without losing sight of the human aspect.
The area of family law usually includes financial matters relating to marriage and cohabitation, as well as child custody, living arrangements, right of access and maintenance.
Before proceeding with the distribution of the estate, a deed of estate inventory, which is a list of the deceased’s assets and liabilities, must first be drawn up and the estate must be settled. Only then can an agreement on the distribution of the estate be concluded.
Inheritance tax planning emphasises the importance of properly prepared documents in good time. A continuing power of attorney is a document that allows you to take care of your own affairs over your lifetime well in advance. You can plan for the distribution of your assets and their tax treatment by having a comprehensive deed of gift and/or testament in place.